In this project, I created a data visualization of the top 15 countries with the highest total annual carbon dioxide emissions from food consumption using highly customized aesthetics in R.
Data on annual carbon dioxide (\(CO_2\)) emissions per person for 130 nations worldwide was published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on the nu3 website, and a subset of the data used here was scraped and shared by Kasia Kulm (2020).
########## Read in the data
food_consumption <- readr::read_csv('')
########## Clean the data
food_consumption <- food_consumption %>%
#Recode values for country
mutate(country = recode(country,
"USA" = "United States"),
country = recode(country,
"Hong Kong SAR. China" = "Hong Kong (China)"))
#Rename variables to give units
food_consumption_subset <- food_consumption %>%
#Select only co2 emissions data
select(-consumption) %>%
#Change to tidy format: long to wide
pivot_wider(names_from = food_category,
values_from = co2_emmission) %>%
#Recode values for country
mutate(country = recode(country,
"USA" = "United States"),
country = recode(country,
"Hong Kong SAR. China" = "Hong Kong (China)")) %>%
#Rename last food category name
rename(nuts_inc_peanut_butter = "Nuts inc. Peanut Butter")
########## Top 15 countries by CO2 emissions
#Categorize CO2 emissions by food consumption and country
top15_total_co2_by_country <- food_consumption %>%
#Group by country
group_by(country) %>%
#Total annual CO2 emissions per capita across food categories
summarize(total_annual_co2_kg_person_year = sum(co2_emmission)) %>%
#Top 15 countries with total annual CO2 emissions per year
slice_max(total_annual_co2_kg_person_year, n = 15) %>%
#Reorder country based on total_annual_co2_kg
mutate(country = reorder(country, total_annual_co2_kg_person_year))
########## Top 15 countries by CO2 emissions and by food group
#Categorize CO2 emissions by food consumption and country
annual_co2_country_food <- food_consumption_subset %>%
#Group by country
group_by(country) %>%
#Sum kg CO2/person/year across foods in new column
rowwise() %>%
#Total annual CO2 emissions per capita across food categories
mutate(total_annual_co2_kg_person_year = sum(c_across(Pork:nuts_inc_peanut_butter))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
#Arrange in descending order
arrange(desc(total_annual_co2_kg_person_year)) %>%
#Select top 15 countries with highest total annual CO2 emissions per capita
slice_max(total_annual_co2_kg_person_year, n = 15) %>%
#Reorder country based on total_annual_co2_kg
mutate(country = reorder(country,
########## Data reordering (long format)
#Convert back to long format
annual_co2_country_food_long <- annual_co2_country_food %>%
pivot_longer(cols = Pork:nuts_inc_peanut_butter,
names_to = "food_category",
values_to = "co2_emission_kg_person_year") %>%
#Recode values for food category
mutate(food_category = recode(food_category,
"Lamb & Goat" = "Lamb and Goat",
"Milk - inc. cheese" = "Milk including Cheese",
"nuts_inc_peanut_butter" = "Nuts including Peanut Butter"))
########## Final figure
#Bar plot of top 15 countries with total annual CO2 emissions from consumption with food
ggplot(data = annual_co2_country_food_long,
aes(x = co2_emission_kg_person_year,
y = country,
#Color by food category
fill = food_category)) +
#Define stacked column/bar plot
#Values for each food summed up within each bar
#Bars colored based off how much of that total sum is in each food
geom_col(stat = "identity") +
#Add text for x-values
#Adjust horizontal text placement
#Adjust text size
geom_text(data = top15_total_co2_by_country,
aes(x = total_annual_co2_kg_person_year,
y = country,
label = total_annual_co2_kg_person_year,
fill = NULL),
hjust = -0.1, size = 2.7, color = "darkgrey") +
#Change colors
scale_fill_paletteer_d(palette = "unikn::pal_unikn_pair") +
#Change x-axis and y-axis labels
labs(x = expression(atop(paste(bold("Total Annual "),
bold(" Emissions from Food Consumption")),
y = "Country",
fill = "Food Category") +
#Change theme
theme_minimal() +
#Change x-axis scale
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 2500, by = 500)) +
#Focus plot area on limits and allow text outside margins
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(0, 2500), clip = "off") +
#Customize plot further
#Bold and increase font of ]y-axis label
theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
#Move x-label down from plot
axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -3),
#Bold and change size of legend title
#Change size of legend text
legend.title = element_text(face = "bold", size = 9),
legend.text = element_text(size = 8.5),
#Increase x-tick and y-tick text
axis.text.x = element_text(size = 10),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
#Increase margins: theme_minimal()$plot.margin
#Top, right, bottom, left
plot.margin = unit(c(0.3, 0.3, 0.6, 0.3), "cm"))
Figure 1. Top 15 countries with the highest total annual carbon dioxide (\(CO_2\)) emissions (kg/person/year) based on diet or food consumption from the year 2018. Grey text to the right of the bars in the plot report the value for the total annual \(CO_2\) emissions (kg/person/year) for each country. The foods that generate the highest \(CO_2\) emissions are animal products that include beef, lamb and goat, and milk and cheese (dairy products). Foods that generate lower \(CO_2\) emissions are non-animal products, such as nuts, soybeans, and rice. Data source: nu3 (2018) & Kulma (2020).
nu3. Food carbon footprint index 2018.
Kulma, K. (2020). Webscraping with R - from messy & unstructured to blisfully tidy.
Firke, S. (2021). janitor: Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data. R package version 2.1.0.
Hvitfeldt, E. (2021). paletteer: Comprehensive Collection of Color Palettes. version 1.3.0.
Wickham et al., (2019). Welcome to the tidyverse. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(43), 1686,
For attribution, please cite this work as
Yu (2022, May 9). SY: Data Visualization: Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Food Consumption. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{yu2022data, author = {Yu, Shuying}, title = {SY: Data Visualization: Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Food Consumption}, url = {}, year = {2022} }